ডিপথট থেকে
GNU Data Language, an open source and free alternative to IDL
How to install in Ubuntu
To install run the following command,
sudo apt-get install gnudatalanguage
Thus GDL will be installed and the .pro libraries will be stored in the following folder,
Set up IDL/GDL environment
If you are using B-Shell than first add the following line in ~/.bashrc file,
export IDL_STARTUP=/home/md/gdl/
Then, create the file in the aforementioned directory and write in it,
!PATH = Expand_Path('+~/gdl/coyote') + ':' + $ Expand_Path('+~/gdl/catalyst') + ':' + $ Expand_Path('+~/gdl/others') + ':' + $ !PATH
For details see this.
IDL astronomy library
It can be downloaded from here and installed according to the instructions provided here.
In the download page, any of the first 3 files can be used for installation.
PLplot xwin driver
This driver is needed in order to view plots on a window. To install,
sudo apt-get install plplot11-driver-xwin