
ডিপথট থেকে
(UNIX থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)

Important UNIX commands that might come handy.

Bash commands

  • lsusb: see the usb devices connected to the pc.

User accounts

Create a new one:

useradd -m nimikh
passwd nimikh

Give him/her root access:

sudo visudo

A file will appear. Add the following line to the file:

nimikh  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

See and change groups of a user:

egrep -i 'nimikh' /etc/group
usermod -g sudo nimikh


find . -iname "*StationResponse*"


Begin a screen <screen>
Come out of the screen without killing it <Ctrl+A D>
See the screens <screen -ls>
Go to screen <screen -r id>
Kill screen <screen -X -S id kill>


Installing a software if it has a configure program,

./configure --enable-float
sudo make install

To get a list of all installed programs,

dpkg --list

To see the list in an editor in the terminal,

dpkg --list | less

To see the programs with a certain name within it,

dpkg --list | grep -i 'the-name'

Uninstalling a program,

sudo apt-get remove program
sudo apt-get --purge remove program